The Rake X Ralph Lauren ‘Negroni Bear’ Polo Bear Watch at Ralph Lauren Flagship Store
The Rake X Ralph Lauren ‘Negroni Bear’ Polo Bear Watch at Ralph Lauren Flagship Store
So, in homage to the collaboration between Ralph Lauren and The Rake with our Negroni Bear timepiece, we went to the Ralph Lauren flagship store on New Bond Street, to not just celebrate the joie de vivre that the Polo Bear brings, but also demonstrate its versatility across the board at Ralph Lauren, choosing three looks that ranged from the formal to the casual, with their new AW 20 Duffle Coat Bear as the centre piece with each ensemble.
The formal: Certainly in London, as we all hunker down for lockdown 2.0 and look with nervous ambiguity at Christmas, having clothes you can let envelop you and comfort you is essential. Cometh the hour, cometh the coat – the ‘Cuddle Coat’ from Ralph Lauren is the only thing I’d trade for my duvet when it comes to cosiness, and being that one cannot wear a duvet outside without inviting intervention from the authorities, this has much better range. Matched with a pair of Gurkha-strapped and pleated grey flannel trousers, a classic white button-down Oxford, green knitted tie and tie pin, and the new path for sensible and smart office or social attire is set.

Tom Chamberlin wearing Ralph Lauren bomber jacket

Tom Chamberlin in Ralph Lauren bomber jacket

The Rake X Ralph Lauren ‘Negroni Bear’ Polo Bear Watch

Ralph Lauren